Monday, September 14, 2009

The First Rain of the Season

Simply nothing is as awesome as being in this out back land when the first drops of moisture start falling from the sky in the late afternoon. The smell is wonderous and the experience impossible to describe. All summer long we struggle to make sure all the timers are working; all the emitters are free flowing and that each and every tree is getting a drink of water at least three times a week. And then it happens.......with no forcing by my hand, the precipitation just starts falling from the sky. If there is a miracle in nature, this has to be one of he most amazing. I love the damp earthy smell, and the quiet way in which the rain just sneaks up and before you know it there are drops of water soaking instantly into the dry dusty soil. There is no run off. All is gone in an instant as the weeds and dirt absorb he charged moisture in a lusty gesture of desire. Though tomorrow may be sunny and hot again, and this a distant memory, still this is my vision today, and I want to savor every moment.

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